Genesis Butler – Hope is Empathy and Action for Animals (Jane Goodall Hopecast #3)


Episode Summary

In this episode, Dr. Jane Goodall talks with Genesis Butler about her own beginnings as a young environmentalist, with both activists sharing parallel stories from the same early age, albeit seven decades apart. Genesis is a climate change activist, animal rights advocate, and founder of Genesis for Animals, a rescue and sanctuary organization. And she’s just 13 years old. With empathetic hearts, curious minds, and supportive mothers, both young activists found themselves drawn to a life of advocating on behalf of people, the planet and other animals.

The conversation explores what being an animal and environmental advocate means today, ways to get younger generations involved through youth programs like Roots & Shoots, created by Dr. Goodall, and how Genesis finds hope in opening the minds and hearts of people who come to understand the profound likeness we share with other animals, and their innate value. As Dr. Goodall has shared, “We are not the only beings with personalities, rational thought and emotions. There is no sharp line dividing us from the rest of the animal kingdom. It is a very blurry line, and it gets more blurry every day.”

At the End of the Rainbow

Stay to the end of the episode to hear a rare archival clip of Jane’s mother Vanne, her greatest support in life, telling the story of a young Jane’s disappearance as a four year old to discover where eggs come from.

Read the Full Episode Transcript

Stay tuned…Episode 4 will be our very first Mailbag episode with submissions from you, Hopecasters!


Interested in going plant-based after this episode? Check out JGI’s campaign and cookbook #EATMEATLESS to get going right away! Find out more HERE.

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About Author

Scientist. Activist. Storyteller. Icon. Jane Goodall blazed the trail and changed the world. Now, she's studying new subjects – humans! This brand-new podcast will take listeners on a one-of-a-kind journey as they learn from Dr. Goodall's extraordinary life, hear from changemaking guests from every arena, and become awed by a growing movement sparked by Jane and fueled by hope. Join us as we get curious, grow compassion, and take action to build a better world for all. As we face some of the greatest challenges to humankind and the natural world, we have a unique opportunity: the power of technology to connect and share ideas. Now is the time to galvanize people around Jane’s message of hope in action and bring big thinkers together to change hearts and minds alike. The Jane Goodall Hopecast is produced by the Jane Goodall Institute by Dan DuPont, Shawn Sweeney, and Ashley Sullivan. Our production partner is FRQNCY Media. Michelle Khouri is our executive producer, Enna Garkusha is our producer, and Matthew Ernest Filler is our editor and sound designer. Our music is composed and performed by Ruth Mendelson with additional violin tracks from Angie Shyr. Sound design and music composition for the Conservation Chorus is by Matthew Ernest Filler.