Hey Friends,
If you’re feeling anything like me right now, things may feel completely topsy-turvy and out of your control. At this very moment as I type, I have two young kids climbing over me wanting to see what I’m doing as I try to work. I’m wondering if it’s safe to walk past my neighbor on the street or if I should cross it as I walk to get some exercise and fresh air. I’m wondering and worried about how all of my family and friends all around the world are doing. I’m upset about my son’s birthday party that I had planned in June. I’m wondering if we’ll be able to do it at all?
Control is such an interesting thing. While there are things swirling around outside of ourselves that are no doubt outside of our control, if you think about it, there is still so much that is actually within our control.

That neighbor I pass on the sidewalk…even if the advice is to keep my distance, I can still smile and say, “Good Morning.” Thanks to technology, I can call, text, video chat anyone that I’m thinking about at any time. I still can’t control what happens with the birthday party in June, but I can come to terms with the fact that there’s not much I can do about right now and instead choose to focus on and be present with what happiness I can create.

There are signs of hope all around us. People are learning more and more about how we’re truly connected to everything around us, we’re finding new and creative ways for connection with each other, maybe we’re starting to really think about the stuff we buy and having some real reflection about things we really need. Whatever the case, most of us are being forced to take the opportunity to slow down. Even in all of this, I can’t help but to feel that’s a good thing.
Since you’re here as part of our Roots & Shoots family that spans all U.S. States and over 60 countries, there a just a couple of things that I want you to know:
- You will always have a community of compassion and hope in this Roots & Shoots family. When you need kindness and inspiration, know that this is your place. We are your people. We are a family of believers and doers.
- If you’re Roots & Shoots you are many great things, but most importantly in times like these, you’re adaptable & resilient. We’ll get through this together ?.
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Our small but mighty team is here for you today, and always. Drop us a line on social, email, wherever, anytime you need hope, inspiration, or support.
“Together we can, together we will.” – Dr. Jane Goodall
Kamilah Martin
Vice President
Roots & Shoots USA