CALLING ALL FRIENDS OF CHIMPANZEES! The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) is so excited to join you in celebrating the very first annual World Chimpanzee Day coming up this July 14th! JGI, along with JGI’s Roots & Shoots program and many other NGOs across the globe, will celebrate this day in honor of the anniversary of the day when Dr. Goodall first stepped onto what is now Gombe National Park, Tanzania, to study our closest living great ape relative. Dr. Goodall’s initial research on wild chimpanzees has become the longest-running research on wild chimpanzees (or any primate) in the world, and has yielded decades of innovative data shaping the way we see the species, ourselves, and our relationship to the rest of the animal kingdom. From the 1960s to today, and from Dr. Goodall to you, there’s so much you can do for chimpanzees!
As World Chimpanzee Day approaches, we want you to be a part of Team Jane, and/or host an event for WCD! Team Jane is a network of individuals (just like you) raising money for the Jane Goodall Institute’s work to accomplish Jane’s vision by protecting species, their habitats, and improving the well-being of people around the globe. The beauty of Team Jane is that not only do you get to #BeLikeJane, but you get to do so anyway you like! It’s incredibly easy to start – read more about it here. Make sure to also join our Team Jane Facebook group to meet other Team Jane members from all over and share your success!

© The Jane Goodall Institute
Team Jane for World Chimpanzee Day:
There are many possibilities to explore when creating a fundraising campaign through Team Jane, so whether you’re more of an outdoorsy/active kind of organizer and want to plan a marathon, or you’d rather throw a party and school all your friends in a jeopardy tournament to show off your chimpanzee knowledge, we’re here to help! With the Team Jane World Chimpanzee Day Kit, drumming up supporters for the movement to protect our closest living relative will be no sweat. Also, other information about chimpanzees and the Jane Goodall Institute can be found by visiting the World Chimpanzee Day blog, JGI’s website and wiki pages.
The World Chimpanzee Day Team Jane Kit includes sample graphics (below), an informative one-pager, example letter, email, and social text for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, for all your Team Jane WCD needs. Using these tools can help you reach your fundraising goal and be a part of Jane’s mission to further protect chimpanzees and their habitats. All of these resources can be used to promote your campaign in different ways!
First, the one-pager is chock-full of easy-to-use fundraising tips and tricks, and a ton of background info on both JGI and the threats facing chimpanzees today. The sample letter and email included are easy ways to spread the word on behalf of chimpanzees with your networks. If grassroots campaigns are more your style then the sample social media text for Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, will help you stand out on your friend and follower feeds! Using these samples to post or share regularly is a great fundraising tactic , but please don’t forget to tag #TeamJane and @janegoodallinst so we, and everyone involved in the movement, can see and share your hard work!
World Chimpanzee Day, this July 14th, represents a rallying cry to our allies in every corner of the world to join us in protecting our endangered friends both inside and outside of captivity. As we honor the day Jane began her own work nearly 60 years ago and JGI’s mission to save chimpanzees, we recognize the passing of her torch as she ushers in a new era for crusaders of animal rights and conservation, just like you. With the population estimates of chimpanzees throughout Africa dropping to just 18 – 35 % of what the population was at the turn of the 20th century, every action taken to further Jane and JGI’s cause to protect these kind, sensitive creatures counts. So let’s celebrate World Chimpanzee Day by supporting both Jane’s discoveries, JGI’s more than half-century of research and the amazing creatures she shared with the world!
The Jane Goodall Institute is a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. By protecting chimpanzees and inspiring people to conserve the natural world we all share, we improve the lives of people, animals and the environment. Everything is connected—everyone can make a difference.