The tradition of Halloween breeds excitement for so many for a variety of reasons: the thrill of an alter ego, the joy of a witty costume, plus candy, candy, and more candy. However, the circumstances are usually driven by a happiness that is short lived, and in most cases superficial. Through the eyes of a child, it may just be a holiday of fancy and sweets. But for one child, it was the chance to be something great and do something bigger. That child is Evie Lauzon.
Evie chose to be Jane Goodall for Halloween. Wonderfully enough, thousands of children choose to dress as Jane for this occasion, sharing her story, the boldness of being a massively influential woman of science, and her passion for all living creatures. Evie, however, chose to take it one step further.

Seeing the magnificent power of a team by playing soccer, Evie thought that if she raised $50 and kids in all the other 50 states did the same, they could raise thousands of dollars. She called it “the power of 50.” Recognizing that they probably didn’t have time to accomplish that for this year, Evie and her mother thought that by dressing like Jane and asking neighbors to donate funds instead of candy, they would be able to raise at least $50. Her parents promised to match the funds raised for a total of $100 by Halloween. This was the beginning of an adventure into what can be accomplished by one girl with a vision – something Dr. Jane Goodall definitely knows very well.
Getting the word out was the next step – Evie and her mother wrote and distributed a letter and posted the letter on Facebook. They made a page on the Jane Goodall Institute’s
Team Jane platform to collect donations and get people invested and pumped up about the idea. Where it went from there, no one expected.
Below is our conversation with the shero herself!
Q: Are you a member of a Roots & Shoots group?
A: Not yet!
Q: Tell us how you chose this project.
A: I wanted to dress up like Jane because I wanted to save chimpanzees. I can imagine my dog being like a chimpanzee and not having a home because the trees were being cut down. That makes me sad.
Q: What was your favorite part of doing this project?
A: When the Jane Goodall Institute wrote to me to say they were going to tell Jane about it.
Q: How did your work impact the community? How did your project benefit, animals, and/or the environment?
A: I don’t know what will happen with the money I raised, but I’m thinking I want to help chimpanzees.
Q: How does Dr. Jane Goodall inspire you?
A: She’s really amazing because she knows how to be with the chimpanzees and she’s trying to save the whole world and she’s really nice to people too. She’s warm-hearted and smart and I hope I can be like her.
Thank you so much for being in touch with Evie. She said not too long ago that she wants to be famous someday. When I asked her ‘famous for what?’ she said, ‘I want to be an animal rescuer.’ I think this experience has made her feel so positive. You are a truly wonderful organization and Jane is our hero too!
– Juliette Lauzon, Evie’s Mom
There was no question in the mind of Evie that dressing like Jane, meant being like Jane. It meant collaborating with the people around her, inspiring them, and dedicating her time to a significant cause that she cares desperately about. By simply having a good idea to do something to help, she was able to be a catalyst for others acting in the name of a greater issue and raised over $900 on her own. This nine-year-old may have been in costume, but showed more of her true self than most people ever do. We hope more people choose to be like Evie, as much as they choose to be like Jane!
You can also join Team Jane. Show us your good ideas for fundraising and get your friends, family, loved ones and community involved in a mission for a more harmonious world for people, animals and the environment. The opportunity leaves the rest up to you – almost anything you can think up as a way to show your support and raise funds is a good idea! We believe so completely in all of you – show us what you can do.
Join Team Jane here, and share to get others involved