Seeds of Hope
Dr. Goodall’s New York Times bestseller, Seeds of Hope, is her most recent book, published in 2014. In the book, Foodie and journalist Michael Pollan, begins with an engaging forward:
My first reaction upon learning that Jane Goodall was taking a break from animals to write a book about plants was that this was very good news indeed for the plants…It’s also a call to arms, sounding the alarm about habitat destruction, the violence of industrial agriculture, and the risks of genetic engineering
The book is filled with magical antidotes from Dr. Goodall’s childhood about her love of trees and gardens, but it is also based on science and history. Additionally, Seeds of Hope includes information about the farming industry and recommendations for a sustainable future. In one of Dr. Goodall’s beautiful passages, she writes,
Even in the busy city streets, small plants push bravely up through cracks in the paving. Pause and look at the next one you see, marvel at its determination, its will to live. And give thanks that we live in such a wonderful, magical, and endlessly fascinating kingdom. The kingdom of the plants.